Monday, April 12, 2010

Kayu Manis "Koningau" For Sale

Benefits of Cinnamon have been known for over 5,000 years and were recognised by the Egyptians, Ancient Romans, and in Ayurvedic Medicine in Ceylon. Cinnamon is the brown bark of the Cinnamon tree, and is available in a dried, tubular form known as a quills, or as a Ground powder.
Benefits of Cinnamon include
• lower LDL cholesterol ( the bad cholesterol ), total cholesterol, and triglycerides.
• have a regulatory effect on blood sugar levels, making it particularly helpful for people that suffer from type 2 diabetes.
• have an anti-clotting effect on the blood.
• inhibit bacterial growth and food spoilage when added to food, making it a natural food preservative.
• boost cognitive function and memory when smelt.
• a source of manganese, fibre, iron, and calcium.
• the combination of calcium and fibre in cinnamon can help to remove bile, which prevents damage to colon, which helps prevent colon cancer.
• stop the growth of bacteria and fungi (such as the common yeast, Candida)
We are supplying cinnamon seedlings as well as the dried barks. If you're interested, please email us: tropicalborneoherbs@We are supplying cinnamon seedlings as well as the dried barks. If you're interested, please email us:

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